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M1 Foundations Course Reflections

Published on Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Eva Kiparizoska, M1, Curriculum Committee Class Representative

The new systems-based curriculum has posed a significant challenge for professors, faculty, and students. Despite initial difficulties, our class has adapted well, showcasing flexibility and strong performance. It has been a unique and rewarding opportunity to help shape our educational experiences and those of future students as this year's M1 curriculum committee chair!


Dr. Sarah A. Sterling, Co-course Director

It’s exciting to see the depth of knowledge the students achieved through the integration of foundational and clinical sciences, which required many working together. Foundational scientists and clinicians were collaborative and innovative, administrators endlessly supportive, and students understanding and adaptable. Improvements are always possible, but it’s been a great start.  


Dr. Stephen Stray, Co-Course Director

The day came, at last,

And we were ready, mostly,

Let's keep improving!


Dr. Brittany Ricker, Instructional Designer

This was my first medical school course alongside the medical students. I enjoyed seeing how all of the sessions fit together to get a holistic view of health and unhealth as well as normal structure and functioning versus abnormal structure and functioning. Student/teacher engagement was great!